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Legally Binding Promissory Note

At Snellings Law LLC, we can assist clients with the drafting of legally binding promissory notes and, if necessary, to help a business enforce the terms of a promissory note. While promissory notes in and of themselves do not typically detail the terms of a contract or loan, we can take steps to enforce an existing promissory note.

Is a promissory note legally binding?

A promissory note lawyer may provide assistance in many different common law matters. A promissory note is similar to any common legal contract. This is in the sense that it lays out certain expectations and terms for an agreement between two parties. To be legally enforceable, a promissory note must meet multiple legal conditions. Moreover, it must contain both an offer of agreement and an acceptance of agreement.

All contracts state the type of services or goods rendered and indicate how much they cost. A promissory note differs in that it is based on the money or capital loaned as well as repayment of the note. The note must also contain the terms and conditions between the two parties involved. This includes the amount of money or capital loaned, the interest rate and the repayment schedule. Once the parties address the conditions of the promissory note and sign it, it becomes a legally binding contract.

Uses of a promissory note

A promissory note lawyer may craft a promissory note to address any type of loan as long as it meets the legal precedents of a contract. As long as it meets those precedents, a promissory note is a legitimate, legally binding contract. A promissory note can be a simple agreement regarding the terms of the loan from one person to another. In addition to loans, individuals can use promissory notes during a private vehicle transaction. In other cases, promissory notes may act as a promise to repay a simple loan made between individuals. Most do not assign collateral to the loan in the case of borrower default. A promissory note lawyer may be able to help with the process of securing the sale of a vehicle through repossession if a party does not fulfill the terms of the note.

Simple promissory notes

At Snellings Law LLC, we have represented numerous banks and other types of lending institutions across the country in litigating simple promissory notes in New Jersey. A simple promissory note attorney will thoroughly review your loan documents and help you understand how our state’s law applies to them. In addition, we help develop the best strategy for pursuing the collection of your loan and take action to implement this plan.

What is a simple promissory note?

A simple promissory note is a legal document that evidences a loan. The individual or entity executing the note is promising to repay the debt to the lender. The terms of the promissory note include:

  • Parties to the contract
  • Date of the contract
  • Principal amount of the loan
  • Interest rate
  • Terms of repayment (including interest)
  • Maturity date
  • What constitutes default
  • Consequences of default

A promissory note is not the same as a loan agreement. The loan agreement is a legally distinct document more comprehensive than the promissory note. The loan agreement contains all of the terms and conditions of the loan contract.

How can we enforce a simple promissory note?

Each promissory note is unique. Moreover, many provide certain procedures you must follow in enforcing the terms of the contract. In general, however, the first step to enforcing the note is to send a demand letter to the borrower. If no response to the demand is received, a collections lawyer can subsequently file a complaint with the court. Depending on the amount owed, a lawsuit may be filed in the Special Civil Part or Law Division. The civil action is handled in court until a settlement or judgment is awarded.

How can I collect on a simple promissory note?

A judgment is only a piece of paper until you take action to enforce it. We have extensive experience in enforcing judgments. Common enforcement tools we use include:

  • Information subpoena. A creditor may request an information subpoena, which provides a set of written questions that can help you obtain information about the debtor’s assets and income.
  • Wage execution or garnishment. A wage execution is an order directing the debtor’s employer to deduct a set amount from the debtor’s paycheck until you receive payment in full.
  • Bank levy. A bank levy allows a creditor to freeze the funds in a debtor’s bank account to pay the judgment amount.
  • Seizure of assets. We can apply to the court for an order to allow the sheriff to enter the debtor’s property, seize specific assets and sell them at a public sale to satisfy your judgment.
  • Judgment liens against real estate. A lien against the judgment-debtor’s real estate is created by docketing, and it is enforced by levy and execution.

Large scale promissory notes

The primary use of promissory notes is for lending purposes. However, you can use them for other types of transactions as well. Home mortgages are a type of promissory note that is very simple and similar to the language used in a standard note. While most promissory notes are for small amounts and transactions, mortgage agreements are for much larger amounts of money. The terms of agreement also tend to be more complex since lending institutions are often the ones issuing the promissory notes involved in home mortgages. Governmental regulations may also affect the terms of use involved in a home mortgage, since requirements for home loans are often more stringent than common loans.

Secured and unsecured loans

Promissory notes are legally binding whether the note is secured by collateral or based only on the promise of repayment. If you lend money to someone who defaults on a promissory note and does not repay, you can legally possess any property that individual promised as collateral. If the loan is not secured, the lender may seek legal restitution in court. They may obtain a judgment against the borrower in default. The lender may pursue judgment through collections activity. The major disadvantage of an unsecured promissory note is that creditors with secured interests receive payment first if the borrower files bankruptcy. If you have lent money to someone without collateral, it is possible that you will not receive repayment at all if they file bankruptcy. A promissory note lawyer may be able to provide guidance when it comes to collecting debt through unsecured and secured loans.

Contact a promissory note lawyer

Promissory notes are extremely useful if you need to legally bind another person to the terms of a transaction involving goods or borrowed money. A promissory note crafted by an experienced promissory note lawyer has full legal authority. Moreover, it is both legally binding and enforceable. Uncomplicated routine agreements that do not require expert guidance or complicated contracts may benefit from a simple promissory note. Promissory notes are a quick and inexpensive legal method that can protect your interests and offer more security than a good faith verbal agreement. For more information on drafting a promissory note.

Contact Snellings Law LLC. The right promissory note lawyer may be able to help you create a document that meets the needs of your transaction. Furthermore, he can provide advisement as to whether a secured or unsecured note is most appropriate.

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